We left Norfolk at 11:11 and traveled 41 nautical miles north (1 nm = 1.15 statute miles) arriving at our anchorage in Mobjack Bay at 4:30.  We didn't have to drop the anchor - we rafted up to our friends Curt and Cindy on their boat Classic Cyn - a 48 foot Hatteras.  They will leave in November heading to the BVIs.   Our first day was COLD and it rained.  We didn't get wet as we are sheltered in the fly-bridge from wind and rain.  But since the back of the fly-bridge is open we got a little chilly.  No problem - we just went below and steered from the lower helm.  The visibility isn't as good, but in open water it's not a problem.  Here is a picture of our anchorage - it is overcast and you can see rain drops on the handrail.  At one time John Lennon and Yoko Ono owned a house on this bay.   We plan to travel 52nm tomorrow.

4/29/2012 04:27:50 am

What an adventure you're beginning! I am thrilled for y'all.

Love and hugs....

4/29/2012 04:07:25 pm

Have a great trip and have fun be safe look foward to seeing you both when I return and as always thanks for always being there for us!! Thanks Dad and Bebe!!! :-)

Love Todd, Andrea and all the kids!!!!!

4/29/2012 10:13:23 pm

Thank you for sharing your adventure! I'm thrilled for both of you and thrilled that you're sharing it with us.

Bon Voyage!

Niki Hayden
4/29/2012 10:34:45 pm

Happy Sailing! Looks like lots of fun. I love the pictures.

5/3/2012 01:38:46 am

Sorry to miss you on the Mobjack.. Next door seems so empty!
Have a BALL. will stay in touch.

6/17/2012 02:06:58 am

11.11 . . . was that intentional? If not then our numbers have struck again!


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