Saturday, April 28th!  Weather and completed boat maintenance permitting - we hope to leave the slip and head north.  First stop - Mobjack Bay.  It's only about a 5 hour trip.  We plan to anchor out with friends Curt and Cindy whom we met at York River Yacht Haven.  We were moored at YRYH for 8 months while Jim was working in Williamsburg.   We still have lots to do, but nothing critical that HAS to be done before we leave.   Keep your fingers crossed that we can keep this TARGET date!
Roy Hansley
5/27/2012 07:48:31 am

I would be a little suprised if you remember me but we shared the same dock at YRYH during yout stay. Caliber sloop SABA. You gracioulsy allowed me to accompany you on a late fall run up the York with Jim and Molly aboard. I wish you the best and will enjoy reading about your adventure.


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