9/27/2013: We left our pretty and quiet anchorage this morning at 9am. It is hard to leave earlier; since we are traveling east the sun is BRUTAL until about 10am.

Wheeler Lock was our second lock on this trip. I think we have remembered all the skills and tricks we learned last year after this lock. We will do two more locks before we reach Chattanooga. Then we do them all again coming back.

The first anchorage we picked out, Limestone Creek, did not work out. Although it was BEAUTIFUL, it was way too shallow. We back tracked a mile to a deeper creek but also much wider and more exposed anchorage. Since there is not much wind predicted we feel secure.

The walls are ROUGH in the locks. We enter carefully with lots of fenders secured to both sides.
Jim looking for just the right spot to drop the hook.
Our first choice for an anchorage. Lots like gators could be lurking under the trees.
It's so shallow weeds are growing around the channel markers! We will sleep better in deeper anchorage.
Friday night on the Tennessee River in north Alabama.

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